Master in Governance of Migration and Diversity
Rotterdam, Nederlanden
1 Years
Full time
17 Jun 2025
Sep 2025
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Op de campus
Is this the programme you're looking for?
Why do people migrate? How do migrants integrate into receiving countries, or sometimes fail to do so? This master's degree (MSc) focuses on sociological theories and research about migration.
The study programme in a nutshell
During the education, you will gain knowledge that enables you to understand issues related to migration and diversity from a broad perspective. The courses are offered by leading scholars from three universities and five academic disciplines: Sociology, Public Administration, History, Urban Studies and Development Studies.
What does this study entail?
In the master track Governance of Migration and Diversity - part of the Master Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam - you will learn to understand and manage complex societal developments, with a special focus on the contemporary issues of migration and diversity.
This master track is part of the interdisciplinary GMD Master programme, linking the University of Leiden, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam (including the Institute for Social Sciences in The Hague).
What is this master track about?
Managing international migration flows can be a challenge. So how can we do this in the best possible way? How can interaction with migrants be stimulated in the countries in which migrants arrive in order to avert discrimination and encourage cohesion? What are the consequences of “super-diversity” for contemporary cities and how can local authorities cope with these consequences?
In our globalised and complex network society, these urgent questions need to be answered. In order to do so, experts who demonstrate analytical skills, connective leadership, entrepreneurial attitudes and a strong ethical compass to achieve innovative solutions for societal problems are needed. This Master’s specialisation in Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam focuses on the research, analysis and governance of societal issues.
Migration and diversity are key factors in some of the most fundamental transformations of society today. These transformations do not merely involve migrants, they have an impact on society at large. Migration and diversity have become highly politicised issues that play an important role in contemporary politics in many countries. These issues influence many different aspects of society, such as education, housing, labour and international relations.
This specialisation studies migration and diversity from an interdisciplinary perspective, addressing the different aspects of this societal transformation. The programme provides students with a strong theoretical basis. It focuses on sociological theories and research about the drivers of migration.
In addition, the integration of immigrants in receiving countries is examined from a sociological point of view. This includes the structural analysis of, for instance, labour market positions of migrants or problems related to discrimination. Furthermore, the cultural and religious aspects of integration are analysed, for instance, the role of Islam or the position of Muslims in Europe. During the programme, policies related to migration and the incorporation of migrants are studied. You will learn to critically assess how policies have been developed in cities and countries across the world and how migration and diversity are discussed in broader political debates and the media.
Joint programme
The master track Governance of Migration and Diversity brings together different disciplines: history, sociology, politics, international development and urban design as a foundation for a better understanding of the governance of migration and diversity.
The programme is a collaboration between Erasmus University Rotterdam (including the Institute for Social Studies in The Hague), Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. The cooperation between these universities provides a unique combination of varied expertise within one single master's programme. Students can apply to one of the four tracks:
- HistoryOpens external (Leiden University);
- Public Administration (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Sociology (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and;
- International Relations & DevelopmentOpens external (ISS, The Hague).
The Sociology track focuses specifically on sociological theories and empirical research about the drivers of international migration, how people migrate from one country to another (their migratory journeys and the obstacles they face with during their journeys) and how migrants are incorporated (or not) after arriving in the receiving society. We focus both on the challenges and the positive consequences of migration for receiving societies. We also research migration and immigrant integration policies, including possible perverse consequences of these policies.
The study programme in a nutshell
Mode of education
The master programme Governance of Migration and Diversity provides state-of-the-art courses and training given by dedicated scholars from five academic disciplines. During classes interaction amongst students and between students, and professors, is stimulated.
Naast de algemene verplichte disciplinaire vakken, volg je track-specifieke vakken. Het algemene en track-specifieke deel beslaan elk 50% van de masteropleiding. Tijdens de opleiding worden er verschillende site visits georganiseerd om ervaringen uit de eerste hand op te doen met governance issues. In de afgelopen jaren hebben we onder andere de Essalam Mosque en een asielzoekerscentrum bezocht.
Below you can find the curriculum of the Sociology track offered by Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The curriculum is subject to alteration. No rights may be derived from this information
General courses - Master in Governance of Migration and Diversity
Bestuur van migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) | Geschiedenis van migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) | |||||||
Migratie en ontwikkeling (5 EC) | Sociologie van migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) | |||||||
Politiek van migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) | Sociale ongelijkheid in de stad, diversiteit en design (5 EC) | |||||||
Juridisch perspectief op migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) |
Sociologie-track * bij EUR | Track openbaar bestuur aan de EUR | Geschiedenistrack in Leiden | Ontwikkelingsstudies-track bij ISS | Recht (Leidse rechtenfaculteit) | Geen mastertraject aan de TU Delft | |||||
Vergelijkend Publiek Beleid (5 EC) | Academische vaardigheden en scriptieseminar (5 EC) | Het maken van ontwikkeling: geschiedenissen, theorieën en praktijken (8 EC) | ILS - Bescherming van de mensenrechten (5 EC) | |||||||
Studenten kiezen één ISS Foundational-cursus (3 EC) (optioneel) | Internationaal en Europees non-discriminatierecht (5 EG) | |||||||||
Sociale ongelijkheden (5 EC) | Geschiedenis van migratie en diversiteit (5 EC) | Scriptieontwerp (5 EC) | Privatissimum: Internationaal en Europees non-discriminatierecht (5 EG) | |||||||
Onderzoeksopzet en -methoden (7,5 EC) | Media, Bestuur en Politiek (5 EC) | Scriptie (20 EC) | Klimaatverandering en ontwikkeling in het Antropoceen (3 EC). Onderzoek en technieken (selecteer uit optionele ISS-cursussen: totaal 8 EC). Werken aan het onderzoekspaper (2EC). Keuzevakken (16 EC, selecteer uit keuzevakken ISS) | Internationaal en Europees migratie- en asielrecht (5 EC) | ||||||
Scriptie (22,5 EC) | Ontwerpen van onderzoek naar migratiebeleid (5 EC) | Internationaal en Europees migratie- en asielrecht in de praktijk (Moot Court) (5 EC) | ||||||||
Scriptie (15 EC) | Onderzoekspaper (21 EC) | Masterscriptie: Bestuur van migratie en diversiteit (10 EC) |
Ideale studenten
Is this the right programme for you?
We offer:
- A unique interdisciplinary program, with courses taught by leading scholars from three universities and five academic disciplines;
- Knowledge which will allow you to address governance issues related to migration and diversity;
- A focus on policies, politics, and governance at an international, national, and local level;
- Knowledge which will allow you to understand issues related to migration and diversity from a multidisciplinary perspective;
- Education which has a direct link to contemporary issues. Students are trained to contribute to the governance of migration and diversity.
Mogelijkheden na afstuderen
Afgestudeerden van dit mastertraject zijn geschikte kandidaten voor functies in:
- Overheidsorganisaties (beleidsmakers, beleidsadviseurs, lobbyisten) en;
- Organisaties in het maatschappelijk middenveld (bijvoorbeeld vakbonden, politieke partijen, onderzoeksinstituten) op lokaal, nationaal of internationaal niveau.
Onze afgestudeerden werken momenteel bijvoorbeeld als integratieadviseur bij lokale overheden of als projectassistent bij IOMOpens Extern.
Tijdens dit mastertraject zul je:
- Ontwikkel een multidisciplinair begrip van migratie en diversiteit vanuit verschillende perspectieven, waaronder geschiedenis, ontwikkelingsstudies, sociologie, openbaar bestuur en stedenbouw;
- Een methodologisch inzicht verwerven om migratie en diversiteit te bestuderen, gegevens wetenschappelijk verzamelen en verwerken en uw bevindingen communiceren;
- Leer de implicaties voor het bestuur van migratie en diversiteit op lokaal (stedelijk), regionaal, nationaal, Europees en internationaal niveau beter te begrijpen;
- Verkrijg professionele vaardigheden op het gebied van het ontwerpen van strategieën voor het beheer van migratie en diversiteit op beleidsniveau.
Een academische carrière nastreven?
Als je verder wilt gaan met geavanceerd, onderzoeksgericht onderwijs op het gebied van de sociologie, kun je onze Research Master in de Sociologie van Cultuur, Media en Kunsten aanvragen. Het uitvoeren van onderzoek staat centraal in dit programma. Je krijgt een waardevolle training die je voorbereidt op een PhD-positie.